
Friday, 23 August 2013

‘Purpose-full’ Driven Life 

Regardless of where you might be in the spectrum of life; it helps to, every now and then, holistically (mentally, physically, and spiritually) review and evaluate your state of consciousness, know who you really are -the type of person you are (the unique you), and know just what kind of life you are leading, inside-out (intrinsically and extrinsically); as Oprah Winfrey succinctly said: 

“It isn’t until you come to a spiritual understanding of who you are – not necessarily a religious feeling, but deep down, the spirit within – that you can begin to take control.”

A ‘Purpose-full’ Driven life is very different from the kind of life most people lead.  Most people rarely contemplate or think about their life with a long-term strategic purpose, not because it’s hard or unachievable; but because of the rigors of day-to-day existence most people would rather putter along; focusing and channelling the little energy and utilizing whatever resources that might be available to engage in what might seem like easy and yet mundane existence, and gluttonous lifestyle.  This way of life is a recipe for mediocrity.
The lack of intensity and purpose-driven focus in one’s life is because of the failure to strategically control the contents of one’s consciousness. 
Empower Yourself 
We are the architect of events in our lives and responsible for the state of the world we live in.  We create our thoughts, our thoughts create our intentions, and our intentions create our reality. As we are all participants in the creation of our lives, we must be willing to make the necessary internal changes if we want things to change on the external level; because latent within each human being is a unique combination of talents and abilities which, properly identified, harnessed, and applied will enable one to achieve virtually any goal one set for oneself. 
Envision the Future You Desire
Everybody and everything in the universe is inextricably connected, including god – we, always, have been.  The universe is automatically responding to all our thoughts, feelings, and actions.  It has no choice; it’s simply the way things work.  Divine universe acts as a mirror, reflecting back to us the very energy we project.  The thoughts and energy that we send out into the universe will always attract back to us, in one form or another, things and experiences that match those thoughts and energy.  This is the law of attraction at work in our lives – binding, permanent, irreversible and brilliantly designed universe in action; thus the scientific explanation of the powers of affirmation, meditation, prayer, coincidence, and serendipity. 
Create the Life of Your Dreams
The great news is that you can strategically design and create a unique blue-print to achieve paradigm shift for a more vital, relevant, vibrant, purposeful, colourful, exciting, healthier, happier, successful, and fulfilled life. With deliberately passionate and positive words of affirmation, you will reconnect with your inner truth and wisdom, sensibly and consistently harness and apply the powers of the conscious and subconscious, harmoniously and strategically to tap the realm of infinite power within you, enabling you get what you really want in life. as you make these changes, you will become ever more aware of the miracles all around you; and the events in your life will begin to unfold in what seem like magical and mysterious ways.   You will congruently lead a ‘purpose-full’ driven life – a truly conscious life.
Lead with Love and Responsibility
Choose now to proactively, consciously and deliberately live ‘life’ – Your way – unique - with purpose-full energy, and optimal drive.  You will Change the way you think. You will Change your life; and you will Change the world around you; and help Change the global community – positively.  You will start to live the life you are meant to live; You are in this world for a reason, and you have a lot to give – the world needs what you have to offer.  Choose now to Live and lead with Love and Responsibility, always, positively.
Choose now to Empower Yourself - Envision The Future You Desire - Create The Life of Your Dreams with “the Secret behind the Secret – Law of Attraction.”  Utilise the tools to unlock, harness and apply your innate and unique potential.  You will achieve illumination, enlightenment, paradigm shift and wisdom for balance, equilibrium, and equanimity, requisite for greater health and well-being, joy and happiness, wealth and fulfillment, and peace.  Log on, now @

Seeds for your consciousness
Here is a gift of some simple yet very potent seeds of positive affirmation to harmoniously reconnect the awesome powers of your conscious and subconscious.  Memorise and regularly repeat them to yourself, and it will be planted and deeply rooted in the field of your super-divine subconscious to awaken and uplift your true potential for ’purpose-full’ driven living. 

“I am love.”   “I am love.”  “I am love.”
“I am responsible.”  I am responsible.”  I am responsible.”
“I am accountable.”  “I am accountable.”  “I am accountable.”

“I choose happiness today.”
“I choose success today.”
“I choose right action today.”
“I choose love and goodwill for all today.”
"I choose peace today.”

Food for thought
“Whatsoever things are true; whatsoever things are honest;
Whatsoever things are of just; whatsoever things are pure;
Whatsoever things are of true report; if there be any virtue; and if there be any praise -
Think, act, and live on these things.”

Notable quote
“You must learn day by day, year by year, to broaden your horizons.  The more things you love, the more you are interested in, the more you enjoy, the more you are indignant about, the more you have left if anything happens.” 
                            – Ethel barrymore (1879 – 1959)

Wisdom note
Love and fear
“Every choice, every action and every thought are linked to one of these two powerful emotions.  When you choose to operate from love, observe the amazing changes that will take place in your life.” – optimal edge

More goodies next time; until then, I urge you to live and lead passionately with Love and Responsibility, always, positively.

Remember to share (sharing is caring) this material with your connections, friends and family.

Thanks a lot.
With love and best wishes, always

Eugene N. Nwosu

Unlocking and Enhancing Leadership Potential and Excellence in People and Organisations