
Thursday, 19 September 2013

Leadership Fundamentals
Leaders are architects, designers, planners who make practical, sensible, and realistic decisions on how their companies, organisations, or nation will operate.  They are also visionary, imaginative, and creative in their action and conduct; and they are accountable for the narratives and stories that reinforce, sustain, uplifts and moves and drives their companies, organisations, or nation forward.  When employees (in the case of companies), stakeholders (members of non-profit organisation), and people (citizens in case of a nation) see these qualities in their leader, they are much more likely to respond in a positive way that will affect the company, organisation, or nation in kind, and progressively.

"The leader has to be practical and a realist; yet he must talk the language of the visionary and the idealist."
                                                       - Eric Hoffer
Let’s take for example the high-stakes world of business, where we constantly see CEOs being replaced.  Why?  Well, for one reason or another, they fail to meet the expectations of their shareholders.  When it comes to corporations and groups that report to a board of directors, chapter chairs, general membership and stakeholders; or whose perceived success or failure is tied to the price of their stock, the expectation is a simple one: profit, expansive membership drive, loyalty and funds raised; or efficient and effective generation and application of resources (in case of a nation).  The bottom line often drives every decision made by the leaders of those groups.  But how does this management style affect the rest of the company, organisation, or nation?

"A true leader creates a culture of spirits and hearts not just heads and hands"
                                                      - Ed Konczal
Anyone who has ever worked in an environment where profit came before people would know the answer.  Relatively, it goes against our natural instincts as caring human beings.  According to a study performed by three high-profile scholars from Harvard Business School, “An individual experiences work as meaningful when it is perceived to be an enactment of values and a purpose to which the organisation subscribes.”  If employees, and stakeholders don’t find a sense of purpose in their work, and a sense of belonging (in the case of organisation membership) they might as well not be there at all.  This sense of meaning is driven by their leader, whose responsibilities are both practical and symbolic.

"Leadership is influence. It is the ability to obtain followers. When the leader lacks confidence, the followers have no commitment. A leader is great not because of his power, but because of his ability to empower others"
                                                 - John Maxwell
The exceptional leader’s accomplishments differentiate greatly from financial success to personal success.  His or her fulfillment does not come from personal aggrandizement, title, and what he or she amasses, but from the lasting impact he or she can help instill in others.  He or she constantly strives to improve his or her own leadership skills through influence, so he or she can, in turn, help to improve the leadership skills of countless others.

"Leadership is not a magnetic personality - that can just as well be a glib tongue. It is not 'making friends and influencing people' - that is flattery. Leadership is lifting a person's vision to high sights, the raising of a person's performance to a higher standard, the building of a personality beyond its normal limitations."
                                                  - Peter Drucker
So how have you defined success in your life?  When you are driven by your convictions and your desire to find a sense of fulfilment in your work, instead of just the title to boost your ego, or a pay check; your team or organisation will instinctively follow.  You are, after all, their leader.  It’s important to note that if visionaries set out to simply acquire and hold on to position for ego, or just to make a living, our world would not be the same.
When your convictions come to the forefront and your desire to lead toward fulfillment breaks through, only then will you be able to exponentially elevate your capabilities as a leader.

"Leadership is practiced not so much in words as in attitudes and in actions."  
                                                - Harold Geneen
Are You Leadership Material?
Are you in a position of leadership for the right reasons:  If you are; let’s assume that you have the desire to become better, and more.  The following Seven Fundamentals of Effective and Extraordinary Leadership can assist you as you strive to become an even more effective leader in your life.  Read these Seven Fundamentals and grade yourself on a scale of 1 – 10.  If there is an area that may need improvement, make a commitment to improve it.  Step up and do it today!  It’s what leaders do:
  1. Vision: To be effective a leader has to have a clear vision.  A sense of mission or purpose will drive both you and those around you.
  2. Conviction:  A leader must be convinced that he or she is doing the right thing.  A strong sense of conviction will allow you to get the job done no matter what.
  3. Passion:  The leader must exude passion and be able to communicate and transfer his or her vision and mission to others by moving them emotionally.
  4. Strategy:  A leader has to be a strategist.  You have to be able to know how to get from Point A to Point Z, using a specific approach that is well thought out.
  5. Humility:  A leader must be humble and humane to the core.  A leader must show compassion; often times be flexible and display some humour to effectively bring balance to your personality – It will help you not to take yourself too seriously.
  6. Rapport:  A leader must be likable.  Building rapport allows others to see your passion and sense of certainty, which will heighten your effectiveness.
  7. Consistency:  A leader must be consistent.  Being consistent as a leader will make you believable and effective.
More goodies next time; until then, I urge you to live and lead passionately with Love and Responsibility, always, positively.

Remember to share (sharing is caring) this material with your connections, friends and family.

Thanks a lot.
With love and best wishes, always

Eugene N. Nwosu

Unlocking and Enhancing Leadership Potential and Excellence in People and Organisations

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

The Law of Belief
The Law of Belief is the law of life.  Beliefs are the invisible ingredients in all our actions.  Our beliefs are the hidden component in all our activities. Beliefs can be simply summed up as the thoughts in one’s mind;  
“as a person thinks, feels, and believes, so is the condition of his or her mind, body, and circumstances.” 
                               – James Allen (1864 – 1912)
The surreptitious and prevailing principle working in all the religions of the world; and the hidden and main reason for their psychological truth is the Law of Belief. 
Paradoxically, in spite of the vast differences amongst all the religions and their apparent and professed set beliefs; the Hindu, the Jew, the Moslem, the Buddhist, the Christian may all get answers and results to their respective prayers.  This is because of ‘Belief’ or mental acceptance and receptivity about that which they pray.  Prayers are answered when the individual’s subconscious mind responds to the mental picture or thought in his or her mind.
It goes to illuminate the fact that, contrary to what many people think, it is not the thing that is believed in that brings an answer to a person’s prayer; and it is not because of the particular, religion, affiliation, creed, ceremony, ritual, incantation, formula, liturgy, sacrifices, or offerings, but solely by altering the state of our consciousness; a paradigm shift will occur when the individual’s subconscious mind responds to the mental picture or thought in her or his mind.
“Believe you can, and you can.  Belief is one of the most powerful of all problem dissolvers.  When you believe that a difficulty can be overcome, you are more than halfway to victory over it already.” 
    – Norman Vincent Peale (1898 – 1993)
A system of powerful and positive words of affirmation tools and programs which encompasses strategic technique or methodology to guide, support and lead to enlightenment and understanding of what you are doing and why you are doing it will help you to achieve balance, equilibrium, equanimity; and bring about a subconscious and holistic embodiment of all the good things of life.
Imagine the Possibilities
Your desire is prayer.  In order to achieve your heart’s desire you must make a personal commitment to plant the seeds of powerful words and consistently affirm them with passion, faith and strong belief to nourish their growth and expansion. When you unite mentally and emotionally with the good you wish to embody, the creative powers of your subconscious will respond accordingly. In essence, answered prayer is the realisation of your heart’s desire.
“Once you believe in yourself and see your soul as divine and precious, you’ll automatically be converted to a being who can create a miracle.” 
                                   – Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
The universe and the principles of life predate all religions.  The fact remains that there is but one mind which is common to all human beings. The extraordinary powers of our super-divine-subconscious mind existed before we (you and I) were born.  The marvelous and miracle-working powers of our super-divine-subconscious mind existed before any shrine, synagogue, mosque, or church came into being.
Desire is a universal phenomenon prevalent in all human beings. Everyone desires health, happiness, security, peace of mind, freedom and true expression.  But not many of us achieve all these goals.
Most people know that if they change their mental blueprint and redirect their emotional lives, their well-being and overall condition (mentally, physically and spiritually) will improve.  Most adult know it.  The problem is, most do not have any method, plan, route, or modus operandi about how and what to do; and on the whole, their mind wanders back and forth on many issues and problems; and they feel discouraged, frustrated, defeated and unhappy.
One need to understand how the conscious and subconscious mind work to enable one achieve positive oriented paradigm shift to gain balance, equilibrium, equanimity, and overall (mental, physical, and spiritual) fulfilment .
“All the things we achieve are things we have first of all imagined.” 
                                           – David Malouf
Envision a better, bigger, and greater future for yourself, your closest and dearest and the world.  Make a personal commitment to creating a better and greater life for yourself and a better world community.  Imagine just how amazing this world will become as we all make the positive paradigm shift into greater awareness – we can shift the energy of the universe towards the positive one person at a time.

“You must be the change you want to see in the world.” 
                                     – Mahatma Gandhi
With illuminated, enlightened, and greater awareness, selfless commitment, and positive intentions we can, collectively, truly begin to live in accordance with the universal laws of nature to restore our individual balance, equilibrium, equanimity, happiness, and fulfilment; and create loving, joyful, harmonious, and peaceful world for all.
Choose now to Empower Yourself - Envision The Future You Desire - Create The Life of Your Dreams with “the Secret behind the Secret – Law of Attraction.”  Utilise the tools to unlock, harness and apply your innate and unique potential.  You will achieve illumination, enlightenment, paradigm shift and wisdom for balance, equilibrium, and equanimity, requisite for greater health and well-being, joy and happiness, wealth and fulfillment, and peace.  
Log on, now @

More Goodies next time; until then, I urge you to live and lead passionately with Love and Responsibility, always, positively.

Remember to share (sharing is caring) this material with your connections, friends and family.

Thanks a lot.

With love and best wishes, always

Eugene N. Nwosu

Unlocking and Enhancing Leadership Potential and Excellence in People and Organisations

Friday, 23 August 2013

‘Purpose-full’ Driven Life 

Regardless of where you might be in the spectrum of life; it helps to, every now and then, holistically (mentally, physically, and spiritually) review and evaluate your state of consciousness, know who you really are -the type of person you are (the unique you), and know just what kind of life you are leading, inside-out (intrinsically and extrinsically); as Oprah Winfrey succinctly said: 

“It isn’t until you come to a spiritual understanding of who you are – not necessarily a religious feeling, but deep down, the spirit within – that you can begin to take control.”

A ‘Purpose-full’ Driven life is very different from the kind of life most people lead.  Most people rarely contemplate or think about their life with a long-term strategic purpose, not because it’s hard or unachievable; but because of the rigors of day-to-day existence most people would rather putter along; focusing and channelling the little energy and utilizing whatever resources that might be available to engage in what might seem like easy and yet mundane existence, and gluttonous lifestyle.  This way of life is a recipe for mediocrity.
The lack of intensity and purpose-driven focus in one’s life is because of the failure to strategically control the contents of one’s consciousness. 
Empower Yourself 
We are the architect of events in our lives and responsible for the state of the world we live in.  We create our thoughts, our thoughts create our intentions, and our intentions create our reality. As we are all participants in the creation of our lives, we must be willing to make the necessary internal changes if we want things to change on the external level; because latent within each human being is a unique combination of talents and abilities which, properly identified, harnessed, and applied will enable one to achieve virtually any goal one set for oneself. 
Envision the Future You Desire
Everybody and everything in the universe is inextricably connected, including god – we, always, have been.  The universe is automatically responding to all our thoughts, feelings, and actions.  It has no choice; it’s simply the way things work.  Divine universe acts as a mirror, reflecting back to us the very energy we project.  The thoughts and energy that we send out into the universe will always attract back to us, in one form or another, things and experiences that match those thoughts and energy.  This is the law of attraction at work in our lives – binding, permanent, irreversible and brilliantly designed universe in action; thus the scientific explanation of the powers of affirmation, meditation, prayer, coincidence, and serendipity. 
Create the Life of Your Dreams
The great news is that you can strategically design and create a unique blue-print to achieve paradigm shift for a more vital, relevant, vibrant, purposeful, colourful, exciting, healthier, happier, successful, and fulfilled life. With deliberately passionate and positive words of affirmation, you will reconnect with your inner truth and wisdom, sensibly and consistently harness and apply the powers of the conscious and subconscious, harmoniously and strategically to tap the realm of infinite power within you, enabling you get what you really want in life. as you make these changes, you will become ever more aware of the miracles all around you; and the events in your life will begin to unfold in what seem like magical and mysterious ways.   You will congruently lead a ‘purpose-full’ driven life – a truly conscious life.
Lead with Love and Responsibility
Choose now to proactively, consciously and deliberately live ‘life’ – Your way – unique - with purpose-full energy, and optimal drive.  You will Change the way you think. You will Change your life; and you will Change the world around you; and help Change the global community – positively.  You will start to live the life you are meant to live; You are in this world for a reason, and you have a lot to give – the world needs what you have to offer.  Choose now to Live and lead with Love and Responsibility, always, positively.
Choose now to Empower Yourself - Envision The Future You Desire - Create The Life of Your Dreams with “the Secret behind the Secret – Law of Attraction.”  Utilise the tools to unlock, harness and apply your innate and unique potential.  You will achieve illumination, enlightenment, paradigm shift and wisdom for balance, equilibrium, and equanimity, requisite for greater health and well-being, joy and happiness, wealth and fulfillment, and peace.  Log on, now @

Seeds for your consciousness
Here is a gift of some simple yet very potent seeds of positive affirmation to harmoniously reconnect the awesome powers of your conscious and subconscious.  Memorise and regularly repeat them to yourself, and it will be planted and deeply rooted in the field of your super-divine subconscious to awaken and uplift your true potential for ’purpose-full’ driven living. 

“I am love.”   “I am love.”  “I am love.”
“I am responsible.”  I am responsible.”  I am responsible.”
“I am accountable.”  “I am accountable.”  “I am accountable.”

“I choose happiness today.”
“I choose success today.”
“I choose right action today.”
“I choose love and goodwill for all today.”
"I choose peace today.”

Food for thought
“Whatsoever things are true; whatsoever things are honest;
Whatsoever things are of just; whatsoever things are pure;
Whatsoever things are of true report; if there be any virtue; and if there be any praise -
Think, act, and live on these things.”

Notable quote
“You must learn day by day, year by year, to broaden your horizons.  The more things you love, the more you are interested in, the more you enjoy, the more you are indignant about, the more you have left if anything happens.” 
                            – Ethel barrymore (1879 – 1959)

Wisdom note
Love and fear
“Every choice, every action and every thought are linked to one of these two powerful emotions.  When you choose to operate from love, observe the amazing changes that will take place in your life.” – optimal edge

More goodies next time; until then, I urge you to live and lead passionately with Love and Responsibility, always, positively.

Remember to share (sharing is caring) this material with your connections, friends and family.

Thanks a lot.
With love and best wishes, always

Eugene N. Nwosu

Unlocking and Enhancing Leadership Potential and Excellence in People and Organisations

Tuesday, 25 June 2013


I am so grateful, happy, fulfilled and excited to share with 
you the best of a lifelong work; empirically researched and 
derived from accountable, real-life and practical, physical, 
mental, and spiritual journey, knowledge and experiences. 

In a no-holds-barred, I have removed all the presumptive veils, cleared the misconceptions and mystery; revolutionised and made it very straightforward and easy for all to understand and know that by simply and positively altering our subconscious and attitude of mind, we deserve and can achieve magical and miraculous powers.

We were all created with the same super-divine 
subconscious powers as any past or present 
heroes/heroine, gurus and spiritual masters, 
you might know. The potential is within all of us. 
With the simple and practical formula and tools 
which you will obtain from the “Secret Behind the 
Secret”, you will unlock and enhance your innate 
potential to gain requisite, unique and empowering 
illumination, enlightenment, and wisdom for balance, equilibrium, and equanimity; achieve healthy life-style, wealth and prosperity, enduring and happy relationship, peacefulness, sharpened and clarity of mind, character, integrity-based, and caring leadership mindset and habit, and more… 

Eugene Nwosu