
Wednesday, 4 September 2013

The Law of Belief
The Law of Belief is the law of life.  Beliefs are the invisible ingredients in all our actions.  Our beliefs are the hidden component in all our activities. Beliefs can be simply summed up as the thoughts in one’s mind;  
“as a person thinks, feels, and believes, so is the condition of his or her mind, body, and circumstances.” 
                               – James Allen (1864 – 1912)
The surreptitious and prevailing principle working in all the religions of the world; and the hidden and main reason for their psychological truth is the Law of Belief. 
Paradoxically, in spite of the vast differences amongst all the religions and their apparent and professed set beliefs; the Hindu, the Jew, the Moslem, the Buddhist, the Christian may all get answers and results to their respective prayers.  This is because of ‘Belief’ or mental acceptance and receptivity about that which they pray.  Prayers are answered when the individual’s subconscious mind responds to the mental picture or thought in his or her mind.
It goes to illuminate the fact that, contrary to what many people think, it is not the thing that is believed in that brings an answer to a person’s prayer; and it is not because of the particular, religion, affiliation, creed, ceremony, ritual, incantation, formula, liturgy, sacrifices, or offerings, but solely by altering the state of our consciousness; a paradigm shift will occur when the individual’s subconscious mind responds to the mental picture or thought in her or his mind.
“Believe you can, and you can.  Belief is one of the most powerful of all problem dissolvers.  When you believe that a difficulty can be overcome, you are more than halfway to victory over it already.” 
    – Norman Vincent Peale (1898 – 1993)
A system of powerful and positive words of affirmation tools and programs which encompasses strategic technique or methodology to guide, support and lead to enlightenment and understanding of what you are doing and why you are doing it will help you to achieve balance, equilibrium, equanimity; and bring about a subconscious and holistic embodiment of all the good things of life.
Imagine the Possibilities
Your desire is prayer.  In order to achieve your heart’s desire you must make a personal commitment to plant the seeds of powerful words and consistently affirm them with passion, faith and strong belief to nourish their growth and expansion. When you unite mentally and emotionally with the good you wish to embody, the creative powers of your subconscious will respond accordingly. In essence, answered prayer is the realisation of your heart’s desire.
“Once you believe in yourself and see your soul as divine and precious, you’ll automatically be converted to a being who can create a miracle.” 
                                   – Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
The universe and the principles of life predate all religions.  The fact remains that there is but one mind which is common to all human beings. The extraordinary powers of our super-divine-subconscious mind existed before we (you and I) were born.  The marvelous and miracle-working powers of our super-divine-subconscious mind existed before any shrine, synagogue, mosque, or church came into being.
Desire is a universal phenomenon prevalent in all human beings. Everyone desires health, happiness, security, peace of mind, freedom and true expression.  But not many of us achieve all these goals.
Most people know that if they change their mental blueprint and redirect their emotional lives, their well-being and overall condition (mentally, physically and spiritually) will improve.  Most adult know it.  The problem is, most do not have any method, plan, route, or modus operandi about how and what to do; and on the whole, their mind wanders back and forth on many issues and problems; and they feel discouraged, frustrated, defeated and unhappy.
One need to understand how the conscious and subconscious mind work to enable one achieve positive oriented paradigm shift to gain balance, equilibrium, equanimity, and overall (mental, physical, and spiritual) fulfilment .
“All the things we achieve are things we have first of all imagined.” 
                                           – David Malouf
Envision a better, bigger, and greater future for yourself, your closest and dearest and the world.  Make a personal commitment to creating a better and greater life for yourself and a better world community.  Imagine just how amazing this world will become as we all make the positive paradigm shift into greater awareness – we can shift the energy of the universe towards the positive one person at a time.

“You must be the change you want to see in the world.” 
                                     – Mahatma Gandhi
With illuminated, enlightened, and greater awareness, selfless commitment, and positive intentions we can, collectively, truly begin to live in accordance with the universal laws of nature to restore our individual balance, equilibrium, equanimity, happiness, and fulfilment; and create loving, joyful, harmonious, and peaceful world for all.
Choose now to Empower Yourself - Envision The Future You Desire - Create The Life of Your Dreams with “the Secret behind the Secret – Law of Attraction.”  Utilise the tools to unlock, harness and apply your innate and unique potential.  You will achieve illumination, enlightenment, paradigm shift and wisdom for balance, equilibrium, and equanimity, requisite for greater health and well-being, joy and happiness, wealth and fulfillment, and peace.  
Log on, now @

More Goodies next time; until then, I urge you to live and lead passionately with Love and Responsibility, always, positively.

Remember to share (sharing is caring) this material with your connections, friends and family.

Thanks a lot.

With love and best wishes, always

Eugene N. Nwosu

Unlocking and Enhancing Leadership Potential and Excellence in People and Organisations

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